Exercises I do at home that are way too EASY!

Hey readers 

here are some exercises that I do that are easy and you can do them IN YOUR OWN HOME with little to NO EQUIPMENT needed! how good is that it means that you don't need to buy an expensive membership to a gym that you won't use or any excuses NOT to do exercise ... you are most welcome now put the chocolate bar down and let's get started. 

Right so here are 5 exercises that I do on a Monday please be careful and if you are not able to do something, then don't do them just relax and move onto the next ones haha. 

ok beginners: 

push up 
wall sits 

Ok intermediates: 

push ups (on toes)
knee to elbow 
plank (side or front plank) 

Ok Advanced:

side plank Front Plank 
shoulder taps 
clapping push-ups
shoulder taps 
sit to stand 
pistol Squats  

Always try these first at a gym to get the technique right and when you squat remember to have your feet shoulder-width apart, your back is straight, you sit back on your heels and your knees do not go inwards. also if you are not comfortable with any exercise then you can pick a different one and move on. LISTEN TO YOUR BODIES!
Image result for squats Image result for push ups
Image result for sit ups
Image result for shoulder taps
Image result for plank Image result for plank

Image result for wall sit
