Being present in my book is so important

Hey everyone 

so being in the present means being fully switched on to your senses and just dealing with what is in front of you at that moment. Whether that be going for a shower, spending time with a family member or friend, reading a book, going to the beach and watching the waves at the beach it doesn't matter, it is all about that memory that you create with that person. 

So when I am with a friend if I am waiting for friends I use my mobile phone  but once my friends are within my line of sight, then I turn my phone off, when I am at the gym my phone gets turned off because these devices can be distracting and they take my mind away from spending quality time with the things that I enjoy the most. 

when we are not present we are not focusing on the job at hand we are not fully tuned into what we are supposed to be doing. If you think about it this way when we are tuned in these are where the memories are made. When we are not tuned in we may as well be on another planet because our brains are somewhere else at that time. 

Ok, this is a situation for you to enjoy Ok, you are on, a really really bad first date everything is going wrong for you, your first impression was bad you have forgotten the other person's name and all you keep thinking is what am I doing here. You switch off, the next day you have to remember everything to tell your best friends who are dying to know every last detail from the night before because you told them you were going on a date. do you remember NO!!! you can't remember because you SWITCHED OFF!!!! however, if we changed this situation and it was a really good date and you connected with the person you were with and you were FOCUSED AND PRESENT at the time then you would be able to tell your best friends every last detail because you remembered to trust me. 



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