Deadlines why are these the ultimate accomplishment

Hey everyone 

Do I understand we need deadlines because things would go on forever if we didn't and things must come to an end sometimes, However, I don't understand why we Idolise them so much? 

In Today's society, a deadline is the most important thing we are all trying to reach a target or a deadline in order to move up a level or conquer the next part of our lives, the next step in world domination. But my question to you is this, Is this type of life really all that healthy? is it jeopardising our health? 

With most people that I know saying oh I am really stressed today because of this deadline or that target that I am supposed to hit this week but am nowhere near it. Or I am really anxious about this new project I am taking on for this new client that the company I work for have just taken on. Is this type of stress Healthy

I want to ask you this when was the last time you went to a flower shop or did an activity that you enjoyed without feeling the pressure of having to cut it short because you had to be somewhere else within the 10 minute mark? Did you get to smell your favourite flowers or give yourself enough time to enjoy your activity that you had fun or was it taken away because your time whilst you were there you were not fully present your mind was on that deadline? 

Have you ever just wondered what it would be like to just be in the present without your mind Overthinking? just remembering in this moment what it would actually be like if you allowed yourself and gave yourself the time for 5 mins just to use all five senses and just be. 

You do not need permission or should give yourself permission for time to be present your deadline unless it is urgent it can wait for 5 mins. the stress you are feeling is only because someone who you have given the power to has given it to you be it your boss or your colleague or your friend and you know what they can wait and you have the right to have and live a stress-free life. The deadline is not going to hurt you, it may benefit you later who knows but for now take 5 mins to just be in the present. 


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