Food talks Food courts

With an abundance of food from around the world going to a shopping centre or mall you are bound to stumble upon a food court at some stage of your shopping experience at least in my case anyway. whether it be the first point of call or something you do to break up your focus when your feet are getting tired from shopping or after the gym quick treat food courts are apart of the existence of the shopping rituals for many. 

So we talk about, eat and learn about new and try new foods every day whether it be breakfast in the morning, morning tea, brunch, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, dessert or tea in our world food is the centre it is the thing that brings people together in a world gone mad.

So today I am sitting in a food court in a Westfield shopping centre typing I have had NO breakfast yet and I am a tad on the tired side but that doesn't matter my tummy can wait and my brain can type I also have not had my medication yet but will when I get home. 

A thought just then crossed my mind about what it will be like when I move overseas in1 ½ years time. I am hoping to move to Germany to learn about the culture and get a better perspective about what it is like to live abroad it will be my first time living on my own and in a country where I speak only a little bit of the language! 

I wonder what it will be like when I move I am planning on living in a place called Nuremberg ( it has a really good Muay Thai gym) or on the outskirts of Munich city. I wonder what the shopping centres will be like because I want to experience what the food courts are like haha because of food talks. 

Food is different for different cultures in a food court we see this happen from sandwiches to noodles to pizza to pies to dessert to Mexican to burgers to seafood to sushi there is everything at a food court, and Westfield is no different. Healthy food or Not so healthy food it is all there in full HD definition. So what happens when people diet they avoid the food court its simple they eliminate the food court so that they don't feel the burden or the shame or the guilt of having that extra amount of food or food that they don't know where it has been prepared. But is this healthy? have we all gone mad? 

A healthy lifestyle is all about BALANCE it is not about Extremes you cannot have extreme thinking about food a healthy diet or meal plan should be balanced you can have your junk and feel limited amount of guilt it is also about having a holistic approach if you exercise and you eat well and maintain a balance then it is ok to have your chocolate or your McDonalds or the meal that makes you happy because that is what it should be about things that make your life happy. If you eat well, you feel well and when you feel well you have the ability to be Positive. 

Image result for balanced meal plate Image result for junk food plate

Both these two meals above are both good for you in their own right they both contain nutrients and minerals. One we can eat every day and one we can eat occasionally. Remember the key to a healthy lifestyle is to be holistic about it, don't do extremes it can harm your health than be beneficial and eat foods that make you happy if you don't like certain foods then don't eat them find alternatives and substitute them with foods you like if you can't find alternatives. Be happy with the food choices that you make, add more colour to your diet and drink plenty of water. there is no such thing as bad food because all food is healthy.


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