just let it flow

Hey Readers 

So recently, readers, I have been feeling really ill and not like a common cold ill or the flu. So with Chronic illnesses, I know that we don't have to all be superhumans and we don't have to be with it 100% of the time. 

So the beginning of this week I decided to have a week off from training, After seeing my doctor on Monday because my doctor was worried and I thought it would be too risky. Looking at our health I think that it doesn't matter what type of chronic health problem you have or don't have we should be looking after ourselves.

We all have a right to be looking after ourselves, making sure our bodies are well should be the top priority. Also, take each day as it comes it doesn't matter if you are not feeling it, that is ok but just keep going. There is no need to stress about the stuff that doesn't need to be stress about. 

So I go with the flow, At the moment I am making my health my top priority if that means that I am not going to training at the gym then that is fine.

I look at each day as it comes whether its a good or bad it does matter as long as I go with the flow it seems to work with it   


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