Losing weight my biggest disaster

Hey Readers 

So I am naturally quite a skinny person and I am one of those people who doesn't need to lose any weight. So my weight fluctuates as everyone does which is normal, mine usually will sit anywhere between 48.9kgs and 52.2kgs but last week things changed. 

Last week I always check my weight around the same time and day usually on a Tuesday because that is the first day of training for me. So the first session I had this year like every year is a pt session and so after that session, I checked my weight to see if I had gained weight that is what I wanted and I had put on 3kgs after a 6 week break from the gym I could not believe my eyes when I say that I was 52.2kgs that is perfect its in the normal range for a bmi. 

So Last week I checked my weight on Tuesday and it had gone down the previous week to 48.8 kgs, but last week my current weight is 46.6kgs so last week alarm bells started going off in my head. my first question to myself is always am I eating enough? 

Today I asked my pt because I trust his opinion and I also trust Alex's opinion too and Alex said on Friday to me that I was training too much. I asked Tizi that I was struggling to put on weight and he said to maybe cut back some of my training and to go and speak with a dietician for my nutrition which is on my to-do list today. 

Now I want to make this clear if you like me are struggling I want you to know that it is ok to get up open your mouth and ask for help ( I should word it nicely but I think sometimes we all need some tough love). It's ok to struggle but it is NEVER ok to struggle in Silence. 


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