My family Part 1

Hey, Hallo, Bonjour 

My family, are the best people I am lucky to be related to They are my pillars of strength and make me laugh always. They are some of my support systems and are always there to listen. I am very close and try to be close to ALL of my family. 

So let's start with the immediate family my mum, my dad and my 2 Grannies (I include my Granny Peg and My Granny Eileen may she rest in peace, as my immediate family) I do this because they are the people that keep me humble, they give me advice, they make me whole and the love they show me is unconditional and I love them unconditionally too. 

So then after my immediate family, there is my extended family and bare with me because it is quite large. My mum was one of three and my dad was one of 8 so I have 9 aunties and Uncles who are AWESOME! I have unique bonds with all of them. My Aunty Shelia is also my godmother and she is an amazing woman. My Dad's Sister Aoife is funny, there is never a dull moment with her. My Mum's Brother Uncle Eamon owns a farm and I feel close to him when I used to visit Ireland when I was little and still to this day I used to go to the farm and see the animals it has always been the highlight of my trip. I love to spend time with them and just listen to them all. Then after my aunties and Uncles, we have my Grand Aunts and Uncles so I have a lot of Grand Aunts and Uncles and these are the people that I will forever keep in my heart(I love all my family), they make me smile (sorry I'm getting a bit emotional) , they have a humor like no other and I respect them all a lot. So My Granny Peg's Sister Grand Aunt Kathleen is incredible she has a heart of gold and a kindness that is infinite, she is a character, she makes me laugh when she and my Granny are together I see her a lot. She lives at the end of the street on the same street as my granny so that she could be even closer to my granny. Some of My Gran Aunts and Uncles I have never met or only briefly on my Dad's side. 

My mum's Aunties and Uncles would be the ones I would see regularly. Up until recently My grand Uncle Tom may he rest in peace lived in Sydney so I had a very special and unique bond being that he was just a 30 min drive from my house over the Sydney Harbour Bridge he was very special to me. He passed just after Christmas so I find talking about him still very tough and living without him I am really lost and it has turned my world upside down he was a pillar of strength for me his support was something that I always cherished and will never forget ever I will love him always past and present. His Wife Trish is an amazing woman she has a big heart and there is always Smile on her face I look up to her she is always and is always been kind and caring. My Grand Uncle's Sisters my mum's Aunties are all lovely they are each different from one and another all Gorgeous, Strong and beautiful they all have hearts of gold. Grand Uncle Tom's was a twin who was called Mary My grand Aunt Mary may she rest in peace was one of the funniest people I have ever met, whenever I saw her growing up we couldn't say hello without laughing at one another first she was very competitive, loved her golf and travelling. Then we have my Grand Aunt Kitty who is Lovely, she is 92 (don't tell her I said that) well I think she is but she still lives on her own she can still drive (during the day) I love spending time with her. Then we have my Grandaunt Peg she always used to be quiet and also loved her golf and was a card game called bridge ( as do all my Grand Aunts on both sides of the family. Then we have my Grand Aunt Bridie who is a nun Sister Bridie is someone who can sit beside you and she doesn't have to say much but she never has a bad word about anyone, She would give the shirt off her back if you asked. Then we have last but not least My Grand Aunt Shelia who if she read this I would get into huge trouble because I called her Grand Aunt but oh well she is funny she loves her make up as she always says I have to do my face Eimear or I am topping up on my face, haha, she is like all my Grand Aunts kind caring funny loving they are the highlight of my trips  to Ireland supportive in nature and the strongest women that I am very lucky to have to look up too. 

Right so we talked about my grand Aunts and Uncles but we haven't talked much about my Granny Peg maybe that can be the next post because she is too special. Now let's move on to my Cousins the 1st cousins, in particular, I am one of 10 grandchildren for My Granny peg and For my late Granny, I am one of 4 grandbabies I try to be really close to my cousins even when they live in Ireland and stay in regular contact through facebook. So my cousins on my Dad's side are called Ronan, Eoghan ,Grainne ,Niamh, Aisling, Diarmuid, Ciara, Jillian, and Sarah. So there is 4 months difference between Ash and I and 6 months difference between Diarmuid and I. then on my mum's side my cousins are called Lorraine, Richard and Aoife I am the 2nd youngest grandchild. then there are my 2nd cousins who if I had to list all of them I would be 100 years old there are WAY TOO MANY! but here are a few on my mum's side and some on my dad's side so on my mum's side I have Robbie, Johnny, Maggie, Joan, Katie, Mary, AnnMarie, Bridget, Shelia and Gerry. on my Dad's side, there is the Curleys, Cathrine and Diarmid and many more. Most of my 2nd cousins have children I will be quick Lucien, Clare (johnny) then Aoife and Orla (Shelia) John, Siobhan, Diarmuid, Micheal and Paraic (Gerry) Tadgh, Carian and Fion (Katie's) and Mary, Ann Marie and Bridget have children but I can't remember their names. there are so many 

ok so that is my family part 1 haha I haven't met all of them or mentioned them all, this is a big family and its mine. 

cheers Eimz x


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