Natural health

Hey readers,

So I am big into making sure that everyone that I talk to or see is Loving the skin that you are in! So I believe that we should all love our bodies they are natural they were created the way they are because they were designed for us. Think about this next time you look in the mirror and say I hate this body part because of a,b and c, ask yourself why? ask yourself and say I am human and my body was made for me. 

So yes I have had my fair share of body hate and shaming. when I was a teen trying to figure out my body and my brain I did have some shaming that I did of my body, Why do I have to be so short? Why do I not have a straighter nose? why are my boobs non-existent? 

Now I think that thoughs are all negative thoughts, Now I see my body as a vessel, and because I have been sick, I have let go off all the surface area thoughts for most of the time because now I think that life is way too short and it can go in a flash. 

So natural health I try to be balanced you have to eat the best to be your best. that also includes what mental messages you are telling yourself positive things the better but also being realistic about it and allowing yourself to feel things. It is ok to be a man and cry just like its ok for women to have a voice or tell people like it is (GIRL POWER).  


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