Puppy sitting

Hey Everyone 

So right now I am lucky enough to be looking after my Mum's best friends dog whilst she and her partner are away for a few days. When I found out that my family and I were lucky enough to puppysit I was really excited, I was also feeling really ill and so the news kind of lifted my spirits! 

Right so My mum's best friend's dog is a rescue dog and he is gorgeous and lovely, we met him on Christmas day and I fell in love with him instantly. His name is Percy last night was his first with us and naturally, he was anxious as I am sure his Pawrents/Owners were too. I am extremely lucky because he is staying in my room he sleeps on his dog bed he is not allowed to sleep on my bed but is allowed to wake me up in the morning. 

Right, I absolutely love animals (every animal except Snakes I am phobic to the point of where I cannot look at a book anymore with an S animal for fear it is going to get me but moving on) anyway so Mr P is a blessing,he is like my little buddy he just sits near me or around me and all he wants is his tummy scratched. 

Percy this morning followed me everywhere today after my mum gave his walk and breakfast everywhere I went he went, my mum was very disappointed and I was loving my life. 

So my Instagram has gotten a little revamp haha it has a couple of pictures of Mr P and I am so happy. I think he realises that I am sick because he is always by my side or smelling me or in his doggy bed which is close to me but he is always beside me it's amazing what our energy does to animals its like they sense when we are sick and then when we are well, I think he is also a little bit lonely too but he has us and he will be ok. 

cheers  Eimzx 

Keep smiling and always remember to be kind and humble towards others.  


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