The Days of the week

Hey readers 

I hope you all are having a wonderful Warrior Wednesday today that's right. So last year I decided to try and change my outlook on the week, I was in a place where like most of us I was just existing through the week I was following my weekly routine but I was not fully appreciating my days as they were coming. 

So One day I had a breakthrough I decided to motivate myself through the week by thinking of things that could really motivate me and my friends for during the week. 
So this is now how I think of my week: 

Monday is MotivatemeMondays, I did this because I thought most people hate Mondays because the weekend is over yet we don't realise that this is the beginning of a new week and something cool could happen on a Monday.

Tuesday is TurnitupTuesday it's my first day of training and usually, it can be the most intense so that is why I have called TurnitupTuesday. Makes sense to me

Wednesday is WarriorWednesday because it's the middle of the week and also it's my big training day. 

Thursday is TakethatThursdays It's not quite Friday, and this is where my coaches really turn it up a few paces on the training front this is the day where if I sweat I sweat buckets and Niagra falls has nothing on me.

Friday is FierceFridays It's my all-time FAVOURITE day if the week, Its the end of the weekday and the beginning of the weekend. Its also the last day of training for me it is my hallelujah day. 

Saturday is StarsriseonaSaturday because its the weekend It means rest and recovery. It's time to be spent with the people I love. 

Sunday is called StunningSundays because Sundays are stunning and when I go back to dance it will be my dance day again. Its also my active rest day it means that I try to do something that is not strenuous but that is gently active for my body. 



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