What a fighter means to me


so what does being a fighter mean to me?? 

being a fighter to me means that when an obstacle comes up you keep going, you never give up. It means that they are strong by showing their emotions if they feel something they let it out and let it go. 

Being a fighter means standing up for those that can not stand up for themselves they show empathy when they need to for others and help them through it. 

Fighters show Respect towards everyone in life from homeless people to the little old lady on the street and for themselves. I have always been taught to respect others and to be respectful of opinions and choices that they make. 

Resilence fighters show resilence if they have had a bad day the next day they are back to it they never give up. they just keep one foot in front of the other. 

Positivity fighters are always positive! they see the glass always as half full not half empty. 

Humble they are not ego maniacs, they will never have their brains in pluto and their feet on earth.


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