why I try to make the best out of every situation



So I have had struggles look we are all human we can not be perfect however we can always look for the best in every situation we point our toes in. It's not the easiest when we think the world is crashing in front of us but and sometimes I know that it can be tricky if we see our friends or family achieve milestones we wanted to achieve but just didn't quite make it but this is ok. 

So do you remember snow globes as a 5-year-old little girl who looked like a 3-year-old my Granny bought one for me. and I remember holding it and being amazed that there was snow after shaking it with a death-like grip trying to make it snow over and over and over again. It was magical to me as a 5-year-old to be able to see snow with my own eyes. 

Now I like to see my situations that can sometimes be a little more challenging as magical the reason because life is too short to whine and moan and complain and think why me? Its too short in my book to think negatively, Its way too short to just sit back and wonder what if! Like most at 23 - years- old I have my whole life ahead of me but I learnt that life can slip through your fingers very quickly. 

Ok so let's look at my medical timeline or medical history as my doctors at the hospital would say. at 8 months I had my first stint after being born in the hospital because my oesophagus had closed meaning that I couldn't breathe I spent 10 days in ICU and 10 days in a hospital ward as an 8-month-old my parents didn't know if I was coming out as they keep telling me and other parents had children that were much worse. so I have been a fighter since I was a baby and I learnt about my illness when I was little because 1, it is important to and 2, its apart of my story and we always have to remember how lucky we are in my family and fortunate. OK so fast forward to when I am 8 or 9 years old and I do what every 8 or 9 years old do I break my arm and a little bit of my elbow, another hospital visit 6 weeks in a cast and I am very happy. then we fast forward to when I am 16 years old and I go to a chiropractor because for years I had noticed my parents had noticed that my back was not looking that right so I am diagnosed then with Scoliosis (no hospital visit) Right so everything is going great for the next few years until I hit 21 years old after years of gym work by this stage and living a healthy lifestyle I go to the doctor not because of back issues no because I have a funny toe and I don't want that at 21 no because this is when everyone is supposed to be having fun and enjoying life. So I go to the doctor because my regular doctor is on holidays I go for a different one and she tells me to go and have a blood test fast forward a couple of months it is July 2016 and I am now told that I have Kidney Disease (Lupus Nephritis). right so now I have ADHD, Scoliosis and now Lupus Nephritis. 

Do you know what it doesn't matter how much of an obstacle when you think positive and surround yourself with positive and nurturing life is not that tough. Nothing is impossible because when you leave a space between the im and possible it says I'm Possible. Just think this as well we were not born to be perfect our imperfections are our biggest strengths some people may think that their legs are too small or too big or their height is too tall or too small but these things are trivial you have to remember that the life you have been given is a choice you can wake up whatever way that you want (even I wake up as a grump in the morning) but then switch your thinking it takes two seconds. then fight for your life you don't give up because I don't give up i may be sick but i dont say oh life is too tough today i am just going to go back to bed no i say life is great today so i am going to knuckle down and get off my arse and live it i may be feeling like crap somedays but I give my life the best I can for that day. you make the best of life as what you give to it. 

cheers Eimzx 
keep smiling 


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