Why my heart belongs to me and no one else


So the reason why my heart belongs to me and is mine is that it is my body part. My heart belongs to me because I have always put myself first but I don't do this to be mean or selfish, I do this because I care enough for others that if I don't look after myself I am doing an injustice to the people that I care about the most. 

I am a big believer that your heart is your own it is connected to you, not to others you can still love another person but your heart is yours. not only is it an important organ to have, But it is the one organ when we talk about loving someone that we say I give or I gave them my whole heart,(excuse me while I vomit). 

I believe that the brain turns off when people first go through the honeymoon period at the beginning of the relationship it switches off, your routine changes instead of going to the gym all the time you spend a majority of your time with your partner. Your brains get mushed into one that you forget YOU ARE AN INDIVIDUAL and YOU ARE AN AMAZING INDEPENDENT PERSON.

 It's like Siamese twins you get so intertwined, that your heart doesn't matter anymore because you are so loved up and your brain is mushed that you care more about the other person then you do about your own self. But it doesn't have to be like that, You can love yourself keep your heart as your own and love others or whatever you want to love and whoever you want to love and have a clear mind. 

Also, I have noticed from my friends being in relationships that some of them are so in love with their partner that they forget that the world exists, they forget that actually there is a world that is forever changing yet they are too bedazzled by there partners that  oh my god I won't have oxygen if I leave them for an hour because my oxygen is their oxygen and I might not make it. 

So, please keep your heart for yourself I'm not saying put bridges and motes and a castle up but put some boundaries in place do your own thing be yourself and remember your heart is yours if you can't love yourself and give yourself the best start then you can not and you will not be able to go and help others its not selfish it is not mean it is important for your health. 

cheers Eimzx 

be kind to yourself and others it is very easy to do and takes less than a second it costs $0.00 cents but the reward is infinite. 


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