Accepting myself as the individual i am not the individual you want me to be

Hey everyone 

So I am an individual just like you I am a Human just like you but we are different, therefore our lives should be different. Whether we speak 8 languages or just 1 language or are learning to speak a trillion languages. Our stories should be different. 

I have learnt to accept and love all that I am and all that I will be because I am me. When I go to sleep at night I don't say to myself I wish I had the perfect body or I  wish that my hair was a shade darker or lighter because the only person that I am trying to please is myself. However, this was not always the case up until recently I was in a negative mindset where all I did were put people on  pedestals I was so focused on other people's opinions and comments that I would get upset if I didn't live up to the ideals that society had for us I would be my worst critic. 

Then I went to my Psychologist and she made me realise that my life is mine not for others yes they can be apart of my life but what they say and think is not my business. So now I realise after going for two years to my Psychologist that it doesn't matter what people think of me because people do not care. My life is not mapped out for me do you realise how freeing that is when you realise that your life is not mapped out for you? and you have the power and control to make it your own? You can have the life you dream off if you take action just like I did you can have the power as a human to make the life you want. 

My life is a happy one now I am no longer competing to be better than the person beside me if they have the ability to kick their leg high or they are stronger than me it doesn't matter because that is their strength and I have my own strengths and abilities. I am only competing with myself to make myself better than the day before I am getting stronger because I put the work to get myself there, I am happier because I choose to be on a daily basis I make my decisions on the mood that I am feeling and I don't try to cover it up, I speak my mind even when I know it is scary and I do this whilst still remaining humble and remembering to be kind and have my manners 

It doesn't what you think of me because it is none of my business, I believe that I am open to criticism I am not above or below anyone, I am humble and Grateful and I am happy My past is my past and my future is bright :)  when I look into the mirror these days I like what I see 

cheers Eimz x 


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