soz for going MIA recently readers just been busy and didn't feel like posting because I am a human with real emotions not a workhorse with no emotions. SHOCK HORROR! at the mo, I'm listening to music videos and trying not to dance at the same time whilst typing hahaha MIGUEL is amazing and not dancing is just not happening hahaha 

SO this weekend was MARDI GRAS the time were in Sydney we put our differences aside and open up our hearts and celebrate the LGBTQI community. I think everyone should be allowed to love whoever they want to and be whoever they want to be. Love is Love if you love a man or you love a woman or you love both it doesn't matter you have every right to love and feel love. 

Most of my family friends are gay or lesbian or straight my two best friends one is gay and one is bi and I love them equally there are no strings attached I love them both as if they were my family.  I think that everyone deserves to be accepted for who they are I strongly believe in that. So I support the LGBTQI community infinitely they are a good bunch of people they know how to dance they know FASHION and the heels they can walk in them better than I can. 

I also had a job interview which was let's just say I don't have very high expectations because well it was ok but I would rather eat my humble pie. Also on Friday I think it was or Thursday I downloaded the new app called Vero I think it is called so we will see how this goes haha

Au Revoir arrivederci 

thanks for reading x  


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