The last few weeks

13th of March 2018 

These last few weeks have been a rollercoaster! But life is a rollercoaster and its never going to be a straight line or what we expect it or wish it to be because that doesn't always happen. 

I know for me personally once I start planning or predicting what might happen the opposite happens. So even though my health has not been 100% I say I am around 40% at the moment, but you win some you lose some right. So I have made some adjustments, I made a big one to my exercise schedule cutting it down a lot. 

But then feeling in the dumps and feeling as though nothing I was doing in my life wasn't good enough I got an interview for a job which I had to practically beg for to get alot of phone calls made to get this interview. I had my interview now I am waiting for them to ring back. 

The week after I have finally had an Up, My body has gotten used to training two days a week. I see the benefits more now for training less one being I have more time to spend with people, I have more time to enjoy being but I feel lost without my regime as some people have called it I feel like I am lost. Also, i have to have a procedure and have been put on the waiting list for the hospital, the hospital rang me the other day and asked me all these questions and then gave me a date for the procedure but I am going overseas around that time and I think that I would rather be overseas with my family who make me happy spending time with them. So now I am going to have to wait like everyone else to have this procedure it's not urgent and there are people who are much worse off than I am. 

Now this weekend is St Patrick's day I am looking forward to it, I am excited about it and ready for it, It is always alot of fun and I get to spend it with my mum and dad and family

Cheers Eimz x 


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