Why Adults should still play and be silly just like kids do

This should be pretty self-explanatory by the title!

OK readers now here it is, 

We all need to live our lives as humans who are real and happy, this means that Adults and teens need to play do you remember what it was like when you were little? you had no responsibility, you loved life you had no worries and no excuses you didn't care about time because you were present in the moment. 

You didn't care about the latest fashion or who had the latest iPhone but you were happy and healthy. Now fast forward to now you are probably thinking about the materialistic world we have grown up into if you were a 90's kid this speaks volumes. the last I Phone was not good enough so you wait for the next one and pay too much money for the next one.  

 specific reasons that it is good to play is that it is freeing, We learn things without realising and it allows us to be present. we don't need to do meditation or go on retreats no we all need to be silly and let our hair done and remember it doesn't matter what others think about us. 

Remember to laugh and find joy in the little things, each moment makes a minute and each minute makes a life 


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