Time to shine

Hey readers and new readers 

Ok, so its time to rise and shine its time to give yourself the best start you can possibly give yourself. It's time to love on ourselves and stop making the excuses that keep holding us back whether that is not having money, living too far away, I don't have the time to do ABC. 

Today is the day and to start whatever your goals are you have the power in yourself to change it is not up to others anymore this is your life. This week whilst I was at work I decided to book myself in for an x fit pt with my x fit coach, to be honest, I was a little nervous being that it was my first x fit pt ever but now after having done it, I feel amazing and awesome for it. 

Then after my x fit Pt session I was standing in line for the bus and I thought I have a free Physio session I may as well use it. So I rang my Physio and I asked for their next available spot and I got an appointment for this morning so I went, I think when we need help that we should ask for it, this does not mean that we are not strong because we are asking for help but it makes us stronger because we are taking care of ourselves. 

So my Saturday is going fabulously, I think today was a self-care day and self-love day today, giving myself the opportunity to be the best that I can be is most important. Also this week I was doing my rounds on Instagram as per usual and there was an advertisement looking for a brand ambassador for this clothing company and so I went and put my name down because this will be fun. 

I hope that you all are having an awesome, phenomenal week and weekend 😊 

cheers Eimz x


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