
Showing posts from September, 2018


Hey blog So I have set myself a challenge that is really go to test me its the 24 hour no phone no social media no internet challenge! To be frank its easy all i have is my samsung galaxy tablet however i am not allowed on ANY internet or social media sites for 24 hours

Last week i gained an age

Hey blooging fam So last week I gained an age went to bed one age and woke up one year older. So now here is the thing everyone says congratulations another year older another year wiser but when do we become wise is it from birth? Do we automatically have something in ourselves that makes us wise? Why do we search and search to be wise and happy? As children we look up to adults to help guide us through to be happy because we think that this is the ultimate goal to be an adult then once we hit 20 we are looking for the older adults to help guide us again through out our adulthood life depending on each person we meet to send us on the right direction from our teachers to our professors to our parents we look for inspirartion from them from our extended family. But my question is should we be looking at ourselves to inspire ourselves then to others to inspire us? At 24 years old it is easy to say she is too young to be giving this sort of advice she hasn't lived her life but to

Hey blogger

Hey blogger You know some days when you have a rare day off every inch of your body wants to cocoon itself into the bed and stay there for as long as possible. Well that is what I did today my rare day off for a little while anyway.... then I decided to workout nothing to write home about (ironic that i am writing a post about it though) So these last few months i have been doing a personal training session with my x fit coach once a week because this year it is all about looking after myself and becoming a bit more independent. Its also about self improvement for myself in a humbling day doing something each day to make myself feel good about myself whether it about switching off my social media for the day or turning on some music and dancing or doing a workout or reading a book or going to the chiropractor because lord the relief it gives me is insane. Reading books or watching movies but working hard and being independent is my main goal and not falling at the wayside. So my