Being shy

Hey blogging family

When I was little I was extremely shy I so shy that in new situations I would cling to my mum or dad or family member. I also spoke only Gealic until I was 5 when I started big school, so not speaking English where everyone spoke English was tough. Especially when the alphabet and language is completely different, I also started junior infants/ kinder in Ireland for the 1st 3 months (where we spoke Gaelic), then I moved from Ireland to Australia big plane big crowds which I was used to. We moved from a cold climate to a hot climate,we had a unit already my Dad stayed in it whilst my mum and I went to Ireland. So I went from being with my mum the whole time for 3 months to being with my Mum and Dad full time.

Being extremely shy so shy the shakes would happen when and still sometimes happens when I met new people. I am still shy I don't cling as much as I used to but I still find it tough to speak to people. Being shy in school meant that sometimes it worked against me it was a trait that made me feel like an outsider. Never speaking until spoken to I was always the teachers report Eimear is kind and polite however she needs to participate more in class.

Home was my sanctuary it still is my room is my place where I can relax where I usually go and just breathe and let go also going to the gym is like my meditation or therapy, it's like my happy place. Sometimes I like to challenge my shyness and do something that is completely different to my usual normal life. From speaking to new people to getting photos taken to going skydiving to learning new languages to going to places I have never been to.

Being shy will always be apart of my personality! It will never change its something that is here with me forever. In fact that is fine and it's ok to be shy, because that is me and why change just to fit a mould. I'm ok with being me im ok being with my music im ok preferring to text rather then make a phone call.

And for people who are reading this who are also shy its ok to be shy.

From Eimz x


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