New Year new challenges

Hey blogging fam

So this year I want/feel the need to be challenged, I usually am challenged each year at different times of the year. But 2019 is the year I need to be challenged its my 10 year anniversary since I started muay thai I am also going to be 25 years old in September so that's why I need to be challenged physically and mentally.

I need to be inspired, I feel like I need something inspiring to motivate me,I'm on the constant lookout so to speak. I plan on at the end of the year 3 days after xmas going to Thailand to do an intensive 8 week muay thai training camp which is what I need I also need to go back to the gym.

My goal to get out of my comfort zone this year will be a run I HATE running I live kind of a sloth life even though I do 122 things everyday and I have a to do list with a billion things on it daily, but this year I want to run I don't have to enjoy it I just have to run, I  have give over all the excuses I have oh it's too hot, oh its boring (because it bloody is), oh I'm too busy,oh I'm in pain all these set backs have got to go


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