The grateful 10

Hey guys

So when I was younger kind of still am I was really shy, I never spoke up kept my mouth shut, I was the kid that when people said oh I am going to sit with Eimear at lunch the parents would say oh isn't she lovely, So I was kind of popular but not really, I hate the spotlight on me im not an attention seeker actually far from it.

In high school I think everyone kind of goes through tough times we are all trying to navigate our way through what feels like a list of established rules, it's like clay or cement you put it in the kilien to set then you can layer paint on top of it. Because in high school its like everyone can be clay then as you go through high school you apply the base coat then your final coat and then you put into the kilien and let it set. However everyone in high school students if your final coat is not the same as the other classmates then you are put onto a radar sometimes it's a good thing sometimes it's not.

So the grateful 10 its pretty self explanatory you pick 10 things that you are grateful for. This saved me in high school literally at one point from life and death. I was going through a tough time, Being diagnosed with ADHD being bullied at an extreme level at my 1st high school to then finally moving from that toxic environment to a cleaner one. My mum asked me one day what am I grateful for? The grateful 10 began every time I have a bad day I now think of the grateful ten. Ten lessons I learnt from high school

These are my ten lessons

1. No matter how different you are your difference will make a difference in the future.
2. Family is forever
3. You are tough but you can always ask for help if you need it
4. No matter what kindness will always triumph over how you look
5. Exercise is key
6. Never give up
7. What people think of you is none of my business
8. academic is good but what about street smarts
9. Obstacles are apart of life
10. Life experience doesn't come from reading from a textbook


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