Yesterday April 30th 2019

Hey blog peeps

I hope you have had or are having an awesome day lets describe the day it was yesterday it was a beautiful top WONDERFUL day the sun was shining it wasn't too cold it was great it was so great I went to hospital for a procedure which is where my anxiety hits the roof I'm very stressed, I sometimes find it hard to cope with over stimulation of doctors and nurses who are rushing around in scrubs looking frantic, it's what happens when are trying to save lives still it's very daunting.

So my routine for going to hospital is a parent will take me to the hospital it's more for comfort then one of my parents will take me home I'm strict with it because of the factor about being comfortable but also anxiety I don't want friends there or if I have a partner there because I don't want the stress but yesterday for the 2nd time I went to the hospital ON MY OWN personal victory also I didn't cry when they put the cannula in I was really proud of myself.

After my procedure lets fast forward I went and did my first sign language course, most terrifying but I am going to say it will be really rewarding.


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