Build me Up

Hey crew

Sometimes in life we need to build ourselves up again after situations happen whether it be illness or injury or both, these things as I'm slowly realising take time and can be mind numbingly boring, tedious and sometimes the patience goes below average maybe drops a few levels. Sometimes I want to move it along but I know I can't rush because that will cause a bigger issue.

This week my illness and injury has caused frustration proper crusty frustration the type of rage that puts all the happiness I once had go out the window I'm frustrated and rage constantly because I can see where I am at compared to where I was on Tuesday I had a huge regression because my hip was loose before I started but then off course one I started to do mountain climbers the pain started so old moderated exercises were introduced back into my routine. My thoughts got affected my brain is wired a certain way with the gym because I am a competitive person towards myself not towards others but for myself I have high standards bigger than Everest. Such a health freak drinking Sunkist hoping the kilos pile on please we are praying for miracles here.

Anyway so these past few weeks I would say I have been showing my sensitive side, this side doesn't come out very often but when it does omg girls and men start running because it's a ticket to a show you don't want to see! I tell my best friends and say I'm just going to start digging myself a hole just need to get myself a shovel, it's when the draining negative words come to the forefront and no matter how much I can see the positive words the negative block the view.

The last few weeks I feel like I have aged 20+ years from the pure stress and the urge to hide and hibernate instead of go and deal and tackle my thoughts head on. This week and I will properly start next week I am getting off my phone I am cracking down on my use of my phone.

So this is how I am going to reset myself!

I am going to not go on social media because I don't need to be on it I only go on it because I am bored.
I am going to get outside of my house and go for a simple walk or go to the gym
I am going to socialise with my friends
I am going to build myself up
I am going to listen to music only for an hour in the morning
I'm going to clean my room properly and like go big or go home type clean like get rid of a huge amount of clothes
I'm going to do one creative thing
I'm going to buy a book and read the whole book
And I want to remain accountable so will you help me by asking me through my email address asking if I have done anything I have pledged here.

Thanks always
Eimz x


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