Mental health the health we don't talk about


I'm just going to start because I hope by me sharing if you are struggling you know you are not alone I write this on day 3 or 4 of my period so be warned. Soz for the info but open books are supposed to remain open and I am not changing for you all

So mental health It's something we all try and avoid talking about but we all have mental health we all have physical health, some believe in God and if you do I'm happy for you I personally don't have an opinion but that would be considered spiritual health some of us have it I personally believe what you believe in is for you to decide what I decide is what I decide. So let's talk about my mental health as you have probs read by now I have already been "labelled" with adhd now adhd is considered a mental health/behavioural (which is my diagnosis) which I think can be crazy I think labels though are the root of the problem, I believe when you put a label on something you generally are making light of things that may not be what that particular person wants seen by others. I always knew from about 5 years old that I was clearly different from the
other kids my mum said I was quiet to my teachers, by 14 years old I was diagnosed with ADHD that was the beginning of years of mental health.

From 14 years old I was bullied badly and traumatized I would legit try to get out of going to school every morning, it was like a battle between Mum and I because I didn't feel safe going to school I was also bullied online too so when I would come home after spending 8 hours at school I would get bullied verbally abused but the bullies would stay behind their computers. There wasn't much done by the school either after a while the teachers and administrators would eventually turn a blind eye to it. Eventually I moved school's but the trauma remained and the only reason I moved school's was because I told my parents I would be dead if I didn't move.

So my mental health has been difficult some days, challenging other days and pretty normal other days this week/month I am starting my wellness reset for my mental health I'm not following anything, I'm basically keeping it simple for me I need something gentle and simple at my own pace so tomorrow I am going to be on social media just look not post anything eventually I am going to limit my screen time to 2 hours per day I'm also going back to the gym, I'm going to go to bed a little earlier on my days off work because sleep for me is a regulator if I don't have enough I am the wicked witch of the West. I am going to also sit in front of my mirror and be humble and with a pen and paper I'm going to write three things I like about myself I am also going to start writing a journal over the month,I am not going to give up on myself I feel like this is what happens normally I have a crazy idea then I decide to go to the extreme and then I end up burnt out and eventually give up.

Simply put everyone has mental health, mental illness there is nothing wrong with you,you are human and you are cool. But if you are going through something speak up and out and be loud ask for help but don't be quiet about it


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