
It's the most wonderful month of the year

Hey readers  Sorry it's been awhile working like a crazy person why because this year has been tough for most plus anyone ever feel the PRESSURE of good ole CHRISTMAS or holidays in general or is it just me? Well move over stress, pump the music, eat the cake and spend time with the people you love OR due to covid 19 socially distance and turn to devices!  Life is crazy and I'm sure you have been through obstacles covid is temporary but this doesn't mean drop your guard with your health physical and mental health is WAY TOO IMPORTANT right now more than ever if you feel physically and mentally overwhelmed go speak to someone! Nobody should feel alone especially on Christmas!!! So make it a small task not a mission I am here I promise whole heartedly I am and will be up to know good ........ jokes currently dealing with a sore throat  Speak later Eimz x Spread kindness give it to everyone every little bit helps 

Waiting on humanity

Hey readers Today I am writing because I am losing hope in humanity so many countries around the world are fighting for their one basic human right, the right to their freedom something that in Australia I don't really need to think about I'm not sure if I am lucky it makes me guilty because how come I am lucky to have freedom? Why is it ok for others to be oppressed but we here get to say how we truly feel, walk around without being scared we are going to be shoot at or tortured just for walking down the street,get an education. This week my heart has been torn, I feel sorry for the people I have never met I'm a very empathetic person I care deeply about others, sometimes too much I will always make time to say yes to a friend even if that means sacrificing extra sleep, I will always listen to others even if it is trivial it doesn't matter if the person is 3 or 103 years old everyone deserves someone to listen my friends say I am kind and wise and always so supportiv

Build me Up

Hey crew Sometimes in life we need to build ourselves up again after situations happen whether it be illness or injury or both, these things as I'm slowly realising take time and can be mind numbingly boring, tedious and sometimes the patience goes below average maybe drops a few levels. Sometimes I want to move it along but I know I can't rush because that will cause a bigger issue. This week my illness and injury has caused frustration proper crusty frustration the type of rage that puts all the happiness I once had go out the window I'm frustrated and rage constantly because I can see where I am at compared to where I was on Tuesday I had a huge regression because my hip was loose before I started but then off course one I started to do mountain climbers the pain started so old moderated exercises were introduced back into my routine. My thoughts got affected my brain is wired a certain way with the gym because I am a competitive person towards myself not towards other

Mental health the health we don't talk about

Hey I'm just going to start because I hope by me sharing if you are struggling you know you are not alone I write this on day 3 or 4 of my period so be warned. Soz for the info but open books are supposed to remain open and I am not changing for you all So mental health It's something we all try and avoid talking about but we all have mental health we all have physical health, some believe in God and if you do I'm happy for you I personally don't have an opinion but that would be considered spiritual health some of us have it I personally believe what you believe in is for you to decide what I decide is what I decide. So let's talk about my mental health as you have probs read by now I have already been "labelled" with adhd now adhd is considered a mental health/behavioural (which is my diagnosis) which I think can be crazy I think labels though are the root of the problem, I believe when you put a label on something you generally are making light of thi

Creating my life on my terms

Hey readers So like the title says I am creating my life on my terms I want to say this because I am human and I haven't been in the best space mentally recently so I decided to talk to someone because sometimes professional help is what we need every once and a while. I was having a HUGE mental block where I just keep going around in circles but in a negative cycle ending right back where I was starting. So I decided to create my boundaries now to stop filling my cup up for others instead of myself that means going to the gym, setting up healthy habits that I used to have and giving myself my mental health hour and ignoring what others think of me because I am me nobody else can take this position. Sometimes it's easy to talk but now I really got to follow it with actions But tonight after 6 weeks I am going back to TRAINING I am sooooooooooooo excited it's like my meditation it's where I go to centre myself my body and my mind.

Yesterday April 30th 2019

Hey blog peeps I hope you have had or are having an awesome day lets describe the day it was yesterday it was a beautiful top WONDERFUL day the sun was shining it wasn't too cold it was great it was so great I went to hospital for a procedure which is where my anxiety hits the roof I'm very stressed, I sometimes find it hard to cope with over stimulation of doctors and nurses who are rushing around in scrubs looking frantic, it's what happens when are trying to save lives still it's very daunting. So my routine for going to hospital is a parent will take me to the hospital it's more for comfort then one of my parents will take me home I'm strict with it because of the factor about being comfortable but also anxiety I don't want friends there or if I have a partner there because I don't want the stress but yesterday for the 2nd time I went to the hospital ON MY OWN personal victory also I didn't cry when they put the cannula in I was really proud of

Facing a brick wall

Hey readers Slowly recently I haven't been my normal self no matter how much I try I have felt lost, add the pressure I have been put under between family, general life and social media it has all gotten to me. It's as if the world is tightening around my shoulders, my parents decided that after 24 years off being semi easy going semi strict parents they were going to start being seriously OVER PROTECTIVE to the point if I am going to have a life every decision I making has to be run through them. Social media got to me today it got so bad today I didn't want to use my phone, it's as if every minute of my day is spent on my phone whether it be work related or personal use every person wants or needs apart of me my life is on my phone, it didn't take me long to realise today that I needed a break from social media so right now unless it's for emails or music or audio books then I won't be able to contact people do you know the freedom that happens after tha