
Showing posts from January, 2019


Hey blogging family So this is a very foreign concept and way outside my comfort zone this year I am going to start running! Excuse my whilst I let this concept/info go into my brain and stick like glue I already don't like the idea of running I only run when I have to usually when my coach makes me run in x fit. Now that I got all my whinging out of the way this is how I am keeping myself accountable I have decided I am going to do small videos on my phone and upload them onto my Instagram account adldchick I am deciding right now whether to do a YouTube/vlog Channel as well I need advice on this. And of course I will be writing on here as well to keep myself accountable because this keeps me very accountable once I write this blog I feel as though I have no excuses because I'm tired won't cut the mustard with you guys which is exactly what I need. So tomorrow evening and Sunday evening will be the first 2 runs wish me luck! I'm going to need it hahahahaha No compl

This song is heaven but YouTube version

This song is heaven

New Year new challenges

Hey blogging fam So this year I want/feel the need to be challenged, I usually am challenged each year at different times of the year. But 2019 is the year I need to be challenged its my 10 year anniversary since I started muay thai I am also going to be 25 years old in September so that's why I need to be challenged physically and mentally. I need to be inspired, I feel like I need something inspiring to motivate me,I'm on the constant lookout so to speak. I plan on at the end of the year 3 days after xmas going to Thailand to do an intensive 8 week muay thai training camp which is what I need I also need to go back to the gym. My goal to get out of my comfort zone this year will be a run I HATE running I live kind of a sloth life even though I do 122 things everyday and I have a to do list with a billion things on it daily, but this year I want to run I don't have to enjoy it I just have to run, I  have give over all the excuses I have oh it's too hot, oh its borin

A weekend in Melbourne

Hey blogger Family,  So for the weekend I was in Melbourne mainly for the tennis, to see my family and friends that live there but more importantly for an escape a little getaway for independence. My first trip where I paid for the whole thing the plane ticket, the tennis tickets, the accommodation and the food. It was a trip without my parents who h to be honest I think as a 24 year old it needed to finally happen! Ok so this was a very Spontaneous trip it was too short and way to sweet, tasting freedom for the first time kind off without my parents was awesome I didn't stay with my family I stayed for the first time in my life in a hostel in a mixed dorm. Best experience of my life the 1st night not quite but then it was a bed to sleep on that was the main goals. So I went to the tennis AMAZING it was great the day as a massive tennis fan I didn't cry which is very unlike me. I just enjoyed the fact I was on my own, nobody telling me to clean up nobody asking questions jus

Hey bloggers

Hey blogging family,  Right now I feel as though Im drowning in loneliness,its nothing new its been happening for a while now. Im not going to sit here and say Im happy I wish I was but Im not. Im not going to whinge or complain or try to come up with excuses. Im really scared and ashamed no matter what I do its never enough, Im not tall enough, Im not pretty enough,Im not loud enough I dont talk enough, whatever I do its never good enough I could change my personality but then I wouldnt be me.  Im tired of being not good enough I live my life in 2nd gear because no matter how hard I push myself if I push myself into 1st gear nobody sees the pain. I hide myself behind a layer of clothing because Im too thin,being self concious of it makes me not want to dress up or put make up on high heels forget it besides the fact that im not a girly girl nor would I be I have a few coordination issues the floor and I are best friends some days and the walls seem to just come into my line of vis

Being shy

Hey blogging family When I was little I was extremely shy I so shy that in new situations I would cling to my mum or dad or family member. I also spoke only Gealic until I was 5 when I started big school, so not speaking English where everyone spoke English was tough. Especially when the alphabet and language is completely different, I also started junior infants/ kinder in Ireland for the 1st 3 months (where we spoke Gaelic), then I moved from Ireland to Australia big plane big crowds which I was used to. We moved from a cold climate to a hot climate,we had a unit already my Dad stayed in it whilst my mum and I went to Ireland. So I went from being with my mum the whole time for 3 months to being with my Mum and Dad full time. Being extremely shy so shy the shakes would happen when and still sometimes happens when I met new people. I am still shy I don't cling as much as I used to but I still find it tough to speak to people. Being shy in school meant that sometimes it worked ag

The grateful 10

Hey guys So when I was younger kind of still am I was really shy, I never spoke up kept my mouth shut, I was the kid that when people said oh I am going to sit with Eimear at lunch the parents would say oh isn't she lovely, So I was kind of popular but not really, I hate the spotlight on me im not an attention seeker actually far from it. In high school I think everyone kind of goes through tough times we are all trying to navigate our way through what feels like a list of established rules, it's like clay or cement you put it in the kilien to set then you can layer paint on top of it. Because in high school its like everyone can be clay then as you go through high school you apply the base coat then your final coat and then you put into the kilien and let it set. However everyone in high school students if your final coat is not the same as the other classmates then you are put onto a radar sometimes it's a good thing sometimes it's not. So the grateful 10 its prett

Hard to sleep

Hey blogger family So tonight I have been finding it hard to get to sleep because I am excited ok, I'm excited because tomorrow I am going (drum roll please) THE TENNIS and CENTRE COURT πŸ€ͺ😱😍🎾🀩 I am a loyal TENNIS fan almost not quite fanatic but I seem to get really extremely excited so the night before trying to get to sleep it is currently 12:20am in the morning and I am writing my blog, extra excited about it all! So this year I have set something new for myself I am going to put out positive intentions of my day and say out loud in the morning of how I want my day to be and more importantly how I want my day to go. This year I am deciding right now whether to do a vlog or not be ause my days are not that interesting but for some people they might be interesting I'm not sure yet if you would like for me to do vlogs on YouTube then let me know. Kindest regards Eimz xxoo