
Showing posts from March, 2018

What happens when i start to get sick

Hey  So I am coming down with a cold because of the weather recently and my weak immune system I end up getting a cold. But I am moving on because this is only a cold and I can handle it been through much worse lol!  So when I start to get sick I don't notice until it is clear to everyone, not just me that I must be sick, kidding I notice earlier than that but I procrastinate a little bit until I have to go to the doctor to do anything about it.  Before I go to the doctor though I try every herbal and non-medical remedy from strepsils to sleeping early to chicken soup to green juices to foods with garlic and ginger and usually vitamin C. Sometimes I go to the doctor first if I feel I need to but most of the time I do all the non-medical remedies first.   Also, I am someone who is not a person who cuddles alot However when I am sick I will get really close and my mum is probably the one person that I cling too when I am really sick, my Mum usually doesn't want to hug

Why Adults should still play and be silly just like kids do

This should be pretty self-explanatory by the title! OK readers now here it is,  We all need to live our lives as humans who are real and happy, this means that Adults and teens need to play do you remember what it was like when you were little? you had no responsibility, you loved life you had no worries and no excuses you didn't care about time because you were present in the moment.  You didn't care about the latest fashion or who had the latest iPhone but you were happy and healthy. Now fast forward to now you are probably thinking about the materialistic world we have grown up into if you were a 90's kid this speaks volumes. the last I Phone was not good enough so you wait for the next one and pay too much money for the next one.    specific reasons that it is good to play is that it is freeing, We learn things without realising and it allows us to be present. we don't need to do meditation or go on retreats no we all need to be silly and let our hair do

St Patrick's Day Weekend

Hey Everyone  So this weekend is going to be epic not just for me but for every Irish person In any country around the world. this weekend is St Patrick's Day the saint I love the most because he killed all the Snakes in Ireland if only we had a saint like that in Australia but oh well you win some you lose some.  St Patrick's Day in Ireland is so big that it is a public holiday they celebrate their culture and what it means to be Irish it's a coming together rather than dividing apart. Being an Irish Aussie we celebrate it the same way but different because unlike the lucky people of Ireland we don't have the luxury of having the public holiday.  Since I was little in Sydney, my mum, dad and I used to go into the city and watch the parade then we would go and get McDonald's and go up to Hyde Park but because of the tram work track work being done in the city at the moment George street is closed which means no parade, however, there is still a fun day out



The last few weeks

13th of March 2018  These last few weeks have been a rollercoaster! But life is a rollercoaster and its never going to be a straight line or what we expect it or wish it to be because that doesn't always happen.  I know for me personally once I start planning or predicting what might happen the opposite happens. So even though my health has not been 100% I say I am around 40% at the moment, but you win some you lose some right. So I have made some adjustments, I made a big one to my exercise schedule cutting it down a lot.  But then feeling in the dumps and feeling as though nothing I was doing in my life wasn't good enough I got an interview for a job which I had to practically beg for to get alot of phone calls made to get this interview. I had my interview now I am waiting for them to ring back.  The week after I have finally had an Up, My body has gotten used to training two days a week. I see the benefits more now for training less one being I have more time to

In Sydney when it rains it pours

Hey Readers So currently it is 10:18pm and I feel so fortunate to be inside because it is raining buckets and I mean the ones you get at a water theme park outside and I mean full on raining. In Ireland, they would say it is lashing.  So I will fill all of the people who read this blog who are NOT from Australia it rains it may not happen every day but when it does it feels like 4 months rain has hit in the one day the grass goes from burnt to green again.   Now some people enjoy the rain and if they say they do, and some people like me do not it means that I am stuck inside for the 52nd day of 365 which is plain annoying, at the moment I have cabin fever I need to get outdoors or to the gym and those look like slim picking right about now.  I don't mind falling asleep to the rain though it is soothing and a good white noise to fall asleep to.  Have a good week everyone  Cheers Eimzx 

Happy Friyay

Hey  Happy Friyay Everyone time to happy dance      

Why tougher workouts make me mentally stronger

Hey  So tougher workouts make me feel mentally strong because usually at the beginning I will say there is no way that I can do this I usually doubt myself and my capabilities and my abilities.  My coaches know that I am perfectly able to do the workout (usually it is x fit but it also depends on my muay thai coaches moods) they know me sometimes better than I know myself when it comes to working out and I trust them.  But that is not why these workouts make me feel mentally strong no because it's an obstacle a challenge that is both physically and mentally tough which as my coaches and workout buddies and friends know is the motivation that I need. the tougher the challenge for me the more motivating I may complain at the beginning of the session but then when the workout starts I just get on with it.  By the end of the workout, my outlook usually changes instead of thinking I am going to die this is too much I don't like this why am I here. I start saying that w

Accepting myself as the individual i am not the individual you want me to be

Hey everyone  So I am an individual just like you I am a Human just like you but we are different, therefore our lives should be different. Whether we speak 8 languages or just 1 language or are learning to speak a trillion languages. Our stories should be different.  I have learnt to accept and love all that I am and all that I will be because I am me. When I go to sleep at night I don't say to myself I wish I had the perfect body or I  wish that my hair was a shade darker or lighter because the only person that I am trying to please is myself. However, this was not always the case up until recently I was in a negative mindset where all I did were put people on  pedestals I was so focused on other people's opinions and comments that I would get upset if I didn't live up to the ideals that society had for us I would be my worst critic.  Then I went to my Psychologist and she made me realise that my life is mine not for others yes they can be apart of my life but wha

Because Summer is over



HEY HOW GOES IT? soz for going MIA recently readers just been busy and didn't feel like posting because I am a human with real emotions not a workhorse with no emotions. SHOCK HORROR! at the mo, I'm listening to music videos and trying not to dance at the same time whilst typing hahaha MIGUEL is amazing and not dancing is just not happening hahaha  SO this weekend was MARDI GRAS the time were in Sydney we put our differences aside and open up our hearts and celebrate the LGBTQI community. I think everyone should be allowed to love whoever they want to and be whoever they want to be. Love is Love if you love a man or you love a woman or you love both it doesn't matter you have every right to love and feel love.  Most of my family friends are gay or lesbian or straight my two best friends one is gay and one is bi and I love them equally there are no strings attached I love them both as if they were my family.   I think that everyone deserves to be accepted for who th