
Showing posts from February, 2018

My plan for Germany and why I want to live there

Hey readers  So I want to move to Germany because I want to live in a country where I don't speak the language where I will struggle at first to understand/Verstehen which will teach me persistence and patience. I want to be able to struggle but have no back up from people no one coming in and holding my hand when I feel like I am Struggling because I think that everyone needs to learn how to. Life is not all about unicorns and Peachfuzz I want to be able to be close enough to my family but far enough from my family so that I can experience life the way it was intended for me being able to eat certain foods without my mum and dad saying "You won't like that?" when really I want to experience this on my own. Speaking another language is a sign of intelligence or at least in my book.  I think for everyone involved in my life it will be tough on them all when I tell them about my plans because I think they won't understand why I want to go overseas and to a

Food talks Food courts

With an abundance of food from around the world going to a shopping centre or mall you are bound to stumble upon a food court at some stage of your shopping experience at least in my case anyway. whether it be the first point of call or something you do to break up your focus when your feet are getting tired from shopping or after the gym quick treat food courts are apart of the existence of the shopping rituals for many.  So we talk about, eat and learn about new and try new foods every day whether it be breakfast in the morning, morning tea, brunch, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, dessert or tea in our world food is the centre it is the thing that brings people together in a world gone mad. So today I am sitting in a food court in a Westfield shopping centre typing I have had NO breakfast yet and I am a tad on the tired side but that doesn't matter my tummy can wait and my brain can type I also have not had my medication yet but will when I get home.  A thought just then

New goal and it might sound crazy to some

Hallo  So I think I mentioned in one of my posts recently to a while back that I have lost a little bit of weight which is not good for me, it's like a red flags type situation. So now I have to go and have a little procedure and see what is going on. But I have my own goal which is I would like to finish one meal I used to be able to do this easy I am a very slow eater I take my time because I find it uncomfortable to eat food my tummy always has felt full. (PS: I do not have an eating disorder I have no problem eating with and in front of people) Recently though I have not been able to finish a meal or have had an appetite to eat the meal in the first place it has been tough because I love to eat food. so my challenge to myself is to try and gain an appetite and eat a full meal tonight I came close but wasn't able to finish my meal which to me is an achievement/mini victory in itself. I have also cut down on the gym but that hasn't bothered me that much compared to

Exercises I do at home that are way too EASY!

Hey readers  here are some exercises that I do that are easy and you can do them IN YOUR OWN HOME with little to NO EQUIPMENT needed! how good is that it means that you don't need to buy an expensive membership to a gym that you won't use or any excuses NOT to do exercise ... you are most welcome now put the chocolate bar down and let's get started.  Right so here are 5 exercises that I do on a Monday please be careful and if you are not able to do something, then don't do them just relax and move onto the next ones haha.  ok beginners:  plank  push up  situps  crunches  wall sits  Ok intermediates:  squats  push ups (on toes) knee to elbow  crunches  plank (side or front plank)  Ok Advanced: Burpees  side plank Front Plank  shoulder taps  clapping push-ups shoulder taps  sit to stand  pistol Squats   Always try these first at a gym to get the technique right and when you squat remember to have your feet shoulder-width apart, your bac


Hey READERS Happy Monday the beginning of the week time to reflect, to reconnect and to start a brand new week with new golden opportunities to appreciate and discover. That can only mean that it is going to be another good week which means it is exciting on my Instagram story today I wrote Happy Monday I hope it is fantabulous, full of fun, safe and happy, I hope that you are Ninjas in your own right and I hope that you smile and that you make the most of it!  I wish this for everyone because I believe wholeheartedly that if you believe positive things positive things will come around. Now I'm positive because I believe that we have to make the most of every day we have, I used to be negative about it and I am not saying that I don't have my negative days anymore because we are all human and some days are not going to be our most favourite.  Being Positive is a choice you can choose to be negative or you can pick a life where things happen but you have to work on it. P

Puppy sitting

Hey Everyone  So right now I am lucky enough to be looking after my Mum's best friends dog whilst she and her partner are away for a few days. When I found out that my family and I were lucky enough to puppysit I was really excited, I was also feeling really ill and so the news kind of lifted my spirits!  Right so My mum's best friend's dog is a rescue dog and he is gorgeous and lovely, we met him on Christmas day and I fell in love with him instantly. His name is Percy last night was his first with us and naturally, he was anxious as I am sure his Pawrents/Owners were too. I am extremely lucky because he is staying in my room he sleeps on his dog bed he is not allowed to sleep on my bed but is allowed to wake me up in the morning.  Right, I absolutely love animals (every animal except Snakes I am phobic to the point of where I cannot look at a book anymore with an S animal for fear it is going to get me but moving on) anyway so Mr P is a blessing,he is like my lit

Learning to budget but have NO maths skills

Hey readers  So at the moment, I am learning how to budget however there is one tiny problem just one little one I have always struggled with maths the subject and I have never really been on the same planet let alone the same page. It is a really important skill to have to be an adult you need to learn how to be able to save, you need a job to be able to earn money to save so then you can buy nice things am I right.  I have no understanding of maths, I did it for my HSC (general maths) My teacher was a saint...just saying, and to everyone including me shock and horror I passed my HSC general maths exam by the skin of my teeth.  Also, I should mention that my mum is very smart with numbers she understands maths, one of my best friends did high skilled maths and science in Uni, some of my cousins are really good at maths they are either engineers or just smart with maths and my Uncle is an accountant.  The gene skipped me it's my only explanation On paper I should be hig

why I try to make the best out of every situation

    Hey  So I have had struggles look we are all human we can not be perfect however we can always look for the best in every situation we point our toes in. It's not the easiest when we think the world is crashing in front of us but and sometimes I know that it can be tricky if we see our friends or family achieve milestones we wanted to achieve but just didn't quite make it but this is ok.  So do you remember snow globes as a 5-year-old little girl who looked like a 3-year-old my Granny bought one for me. and I remember holding it and being amazed that there was snow after shaking it with a death-like grip trying to make it snow over and over and over again. It was magical to me as a 5-year-old to be able to see snow with my own eyes.  Now I like to see my situations that can sometimes be a little more challenging as magical the reason because life is too short to whine and moan and complain and think why me? Its too short in my book to think negatively, Its way too

1st challenge

Hey everyone  SO time for something to challenge us all right, time to become better humans, better listeners and understand each other a little better.  Challenge: Mental  objective: Ok so this is optional but I think that it is time to open ourselves up to new opportunities and experiences and grow as humans. Ok, this challenge is 30 to 31 days in length the aim is to overcome or to start to overcome a problem that you are facing in your life. This is a mental one you can ask for help with this one from a professional if you need to. and I would recommend you do. So for 30 to 31 days pick a problem and deal with it or start to.  Rules: No bullying            No Judgement           NO HARM to yourself or others           Have fun with it              

Being present in my book is so important

Hey everyone  so being in the present means being fully switched on to your senses and just dealing with what is in front of you at that moment. Whether that be going for a shower, spending time with a family member or friend, reading a book, going to the beach and watching the waves at the beach it doesn't matter, it is all about that memory that you create with that person.  So when I am with a friend if I am waiting for friends I use my mobile phone  but once my friends are within my line of sight, then I turn my phone off, when I am at the gym my phone gets turned off because these devices can be distracting and they take my mind away from spending quality time with the things that I enjoy the most.  when we are not present we are not focusing on the job at hand we are not fully tuned into what we are supposed to be doing. If you think about it this way when we are tuned in these are where the memories are made. When we are not tuned in we may as well be on another plan

Deadlines why are these the ultimate accomplishment

Hey everyone  Do I understand we need deadlines because things would go on forever if we didn't and things must come to an end sometimes, However, I don't understand why we Idolise them so much?  In Today's society, a deadline is the most important thing we are all trying to reach a target or a deadline in order to move up a level or conquer the next part of our lives, the next step in world domination. But my question to you is this, Is this type of life really all that healthy? is it jeopardising our health?  With most people that I know saying oh I am really stressed today because of this deadline or that target that I am supposed to hit this week but am nowhere near it. Or I am really anxious about this new project I am taking on for this new client that the company I work for have just taken on. Is this type of stress Healthy I want to ask you this when was the last time you went to a flower shop or did an activity that you enjoyed without feeling the press

My Support system

Hey Readers  So my Support system is MY family obviously, my coaches, my friends and my 2 best friends. These people are always here to support me and me for them it's a two-way street.  So my family are amazing, they all support me no matter what whatever the ambition if it is crazy or just mediocre its there like a shining light. They make me laugh, they make me cry, they let me be me.  The coaches, where do I begin they all support me and guide me to be better and believe in myself. They constantly try and challenge me both mentally and physically EVERY time I am in the gym whether it be my x fit coach Loic trying to get me to add more weight or My Muay Thai coaches who push me to do that one extra kick after doing a million or my boxing Coach Chris who tries to get to move around a lot haha. Alex, Tizi and Jonothan are funny Alex is the coach you go to for the tough Muay Thai classes where if you leave walking sometimes you are lucky haha (this is my 1st coach for M

My family Part 1

Hey, Hallo, Bonjour  My family, are the best people I am lucky to be related to They are my pillars of strength and make me laugh always. They are some of my support systems and are always there to listen. I am very close and try to be close to ALL of my family.  So let's start with the immediate family my mum, my dad and my 2 Grannies (I include my Granny Peg and My Granny Eileen may she rest in peace, as my immediate family) I do this because they are the people that keep me humble, they give me advice, they make me whole and the love they show me is unconditional and I love them unconditionally too.  So then after my immediate family, there is my extended family and bare with me because it is quite large. My mum was one of three and my dad was one of 8 so I have 9 aunties and Uncles who are AWESOME! I have unique bonds with all of them. My Aunty Shelia is also my godmother and she is an amazing woman. My Dad's Sister Aoife is funny, there is never a dull moment wi

Why my heart belongs to me and no one else

Hey  So the reason why my heart belongs to me and is mine is that it is my body part. My heart belongs to me because I have always put myself first but I don't do this to be mean or selfish, I do this because I care enough for others that if I don't look after myself I am doing an injustice to the people that I care about the most.  I am a big believer that your heart is your own it is connected to you, not to others you can still love another person but your heart is yours. not only is it an important organ to have, But it is the one organ when we talk about loving someone that we say I give or I gave them my whole heart,(excuse me while I vomit).  I believe that the brain turns off when people first go through the honeymoon period at the beginning of the relationship it switches off, your routine changes instead of going to the gym all the time you spend a majority of your time with your partner. Your brains get mushed into one that you forget YOU ARE AN INDIVIDUAL

What a fighter means to me

Hey  so what does being a fighter mean to me??  being a fighter to me means that when an obstacle comes up you keep going, you never give up. It means that they are strong by showing their emotions if they feel something they let it out and let it go.  Being a fighter means standing up for those that can not stand up for themselves they show empathy when they need to for others and help them through it.  Fighters show Respect towards everyone in life from homeless people to the little old lady on the street and for themselves. I have always been taught to respect others and to be respectful of opinions and choices that they make.  Resilence fighters show resilence if they have had a bad day the next day they are back to it they never give up. they just keep one foot in front of the other.  Positivity fighters are always positive! they see the glass always as half full not half empty.  Humble they are not ego maniacs, they will never have their bra

Why I dont celebrate Valentines day and call it international spew day

Hey So looking a the title You will realise that I don't celebrate Valentines day I call it International Spew Day. I don't like the fact that it is celebrated because its all about feelings and love. Its way to romantic for my liking, and shoved in the face as well pictures of couples holding hands or kissing, mushy words that you woould never say to someone on the daily basis but on this day that goes completely out the window.  I find it too uncomfortable, Its too forced, everyone as well as weeks before new years has to find someone to kiss and be romantic with but why? ALSO the PDA do we need to see it I know that couples are in Love and i get that and understand that but please for all that is good and holy keep it in your pants and wait until you are in private its not rocket science.  At my second High school that i went to get away from my first high school they were really to my shame into Valentines day and by really into it I mean that the Senior Student Co

Why I want to leave Sydney so badly

Hey Readers So i have what is known as wonderlust I do not want to stay in my hometown I would like to leave the reasons I think are quiet good I think  my reasons why I want to leave my home town so badly are 1. To travel is to get an education on how the world moves together It teaches you the value of money and how to be finacially independent.  2. To travel and live abroad has been a dream of mine ever since i have learnt that is something that people can do  3. Its an expierence of a life time you don't get the chance to do these types of things everyday.  4. It teaches you to be independent and sometimes we all have to leave the cookoo nest and start our own lives  5. Its not about your family because they have their own lives.  So I really am desperate to leave my Sydney the cost of living is already at an all time high, if i want to put money on my card that i use for public transport just to get from A to B the card is free but then to put a minimum to l

The problem with being 23 and liking someone who is living overseas

Hey readers  So I like to keep this blog as honest and as real as possible because I am a real person and so are you all and I respect you all even though I may not know you, its just the type of person I am.  So I like this male who lives overseas on the Opposite side of the world to be frank. I know that he likes me but I am not sure how much. ( I may have had a little bit of a vomit moment doesnt help that I am sick at the moment) we met through Tinder (sorry parentals and family if you are reading this but we all have to grow up at some stage) when they were here on vacation and have kept in contact ever since. At first I was as always really slow I mean he could have subtley told me he liked me and it would have gone straight over my head because that is just me LOL. I also really dont like talking about my feelings either I am a female though.  So this evening we were chatting as we do and because I really dont like Valentines day I call it International Spew day and his

Tomorrow is Exciting

Hey readers  Right so this is a late post while I allow my medicine to settle in my stomach and I go to bed (I know i am not following my own advice tonight)  So Tomorrow after 1 week off I am going back to the Gym whoop whoop and that is exciting. I'm not going back as much as I used to because I am still unwell and I don't have enough answers as to why I am unwell but its not my kidneys so that is a good thing.  So as I always do I am going back to living my life as normal as I can if that means I have to cut down to this week only 2 days at the gym and 2 classes so be it my health is what is important because my health impacts me on the rest of my life. An example if i am sick then i can not work, if i can not work then i can not get money and that means that I can't be independent which is my ultimate goal.  So tomorrow is exciting not only will I get a good workout I will get to see my friends from the gym but not only that I will will have more free time

Happy dancing for friyay

Hey EVERYONE 😊 so right now I should be doing stuff but I am procrastinating and I have This is me from the greatest showman on full blast and am about to dance it lol because why not its FRIYAY. Friyay in my household is a HAPPY day it is a day to have FUN and let all the silly's out.  Sometimes I feel like in this world we are too serious all the time like as adults we sometimes think we can't smile to a stranger, sometimes I think that we are too scared that we are going to be judged by others that we don't have fun unless there is alcohol involved or make up to mask our appearance or something else to take our minds off things.  My dad just then criticised me and asked me what do you blog about because you have nothing. Basically, he was saying you have nothing going for you so why are you blogging for because you are no one. Do I care about his opinion hell to the no because what he thinks of me is none of my business? also, I am not worried this is my life,


Hey Readers  HAPPY FRIDAY it is and will always be my favourite day of the week!!!! I 💓 Fridays I love them so much I call them Friyays and I call them Fierce Fridays because why not?  Right, I love Fridays because its the last day of the week before the weekend, for me the weekend is all about family time, but this is not a forced thing I actually as a 23-year-old woman like to spend time with my family. (I don't know if people will think that is sad but let them judge)  On the weekend I like to catch up with my friends too, I like knowing probably like most that I don't have to rush anywhere or be at places at a certain time. I hope you enjoy Friyay as much as I do haha.  I also wish you all a happy, healthy and safe weekend and that you enjoy it with your friends and family.  cheers Eimz x 

A few more Quotes


Quote of the day :)


The greatest showman

Hey readers  The greatest showman is an awesome movie that I would highly recommend you go and see. It is amazing, It is freeing the music is out of this world, the storyline, the acting and the costumes are INCREDIBLE and awe-inspiring.  It is by far one of the best movies I have ever seen! If you have a listen to the music lyrics you will understand the amazingness that is this movie. Its Upbeat and happy but the lyrics are important and kind of Motivating.  My favourite song is This is me which I am currently listening to and I am loving it. the message behind it which I got from the whole movie is that embrace your uniqueness it doesn't matter what you look like just be yourself because you have nothing to lose.  I think the Cast IS AWESOME!!!!! they truly shine in this film. I love all parts of this movie, every single part of this movie is special and PHENOMENAL and FANTABULOUS. 

This Is Me (from The Greatest Showman Soundtrack) [Official Audio]


Natural health

Hey readers, So I am big into making sure that everyone that I talk to or see is Loving the skin that you are in! So I believe that we should all love our bodies they are natural they were created the way they are because they were designed for us. Think about this next time you look in the mirror and say I hate this body part because of a,b and c, ask yourself why? ask yourself and say I am human and my body was made for me.  So yes I have had my fair share of body hate and shaming. when I was a teen trying to figure out my body and my brain I did have some shaming that I did of my body, Why do I have to be so short? Why do I not have a straighter nose? why are my boobs non-existent?  Now I think that thoughs are all negative thoughts, Now I see my body as a vessel, and because I have been sick, I have let go off all the surface area thoughts for most of the time because now I think that life is way too short and it can go in a flash.  So natural health I try to be balanced

just let it flow

Hey Readers  So recently, readers, I have been feeling really ill and not like a common cold ill or the flu. So with Chronic illnesses, I know that we don't have to all be superhumans and we don't have to be with it 100% of the time.  So the beginning of this week I decided to have a week off from training, After seeing my doctor on Monday because my doctor was worried and I thought it would be too risky. Looking at our health I think that it doesn't matter what type of chronic health problem you have or don't have we should be looking after ourselves. We all have a right to be looking after ourselves, making sure our bodies are well should be the top priority. Also, take each day as it comes it doesn't matter if you are not feeling it, that is ok but just keep going. There is no need to stress about the stuff that doesn't need to be stress about.  So I go with the flow, At the moment I am making my health my top priority if that means that I am not

Something Unexpected

Hey Readers  Mindset is something that for me is a constant battle but that I cherish learning about to and also something that I have to keep reminding myself that I am human. So a couple of posts ago I said that Meditation was not for me well I have a confession to make yesterday I tried it and I actually enjoyed it.  It surprised me that I could remain so still throughout the whole thing and that I didn't try to fidget. I listened to a person whose opinion I value who has helped me a lot without knowing it, This man's name is Deepak Chopra. He has a saying that has stuck with me that I heard when I was going through my Lupus Diagnosis 2 years ago. His saying is I am human, I am not above anyone else I am open to criticism and I am grateful for this life I have been given.  So yesterday I thought who would be good to listen to to get me through this meditation, And I thought he would be. So that is what I did, I listened to what he said for 10 to 15 mins and afte

The Days of the week

Hey readers  I hope you all are having a wonderful Warrior Wednesday today that's right. So last year I decided to try and change my outlook on the week, I was in a place where like most of us I was just existing through the week I was following my weekly routine but I was not fully appreciating my days as they were coming.  So One day I had a breakthrough I decided to motivate myself through the week by thinking of things that could really motivate me and my friends for during the week.  So this is now how I think of my week:  Monday is MotivatemeMondays, I did this because I thought most people hate Mondays because the weekend is over yet we don't realise that this is the beginning of a new week and something cool could happen on a Monday. Tuesday is TurnitupTuesday it's my first day of training and usually, it can be the most intense so that is why I have called TurnitupTuesday. Makes sense to me Wednesday is WarriorWednesday because it's the middle o

The unexpected fart explosion that I did this afternoon

Hey readers  any of you out there experience Gas and I mean not like period gas but fart gas. so this will be graphic but I don't care so I have been Gassy for a few days now as in if you stuck your finger on my belly I would probably fart.  Now this afternoon I was just sitting on my couch and out of nowhere I let one rip and then because it was so Unexpected I burst out laughing for a good 10 mins then I farted again and that was another 10 mins of Uncontrollable giggles and Laughing. 

MY life with lupus nephritis

Hey Readers,  So I have a rare form of kidney disease called Lupus Nephritis it is an immune/inflammation disease in basic English it means that my immune system doesn't realise that kidneys are really mine and attack them. So it's an invisible disease most of the time you would not realise I was sick because I look healthy. I was diagnosed 2 years ago in July 2016 I had been overseas to spend some much-needed time with family in Ireland and then went to Scotland to meet some family friends.  Since then I have learnt to read my body and have remained extra vigilant, before this I was not fluent in what my body was telling me and to be honest I didn't really care about enough as I should have. I was at the gym which I still am, but I wouldn't eat before I went to the gym which now is a massive NO NO in my books. If I had the slightest pain that above manageable with a hot water bottle then it was painkillers all the way.  Now since being diagnosed, there are n

Losing weight my biggest disaster

Hey Readers  So I am naturally quite a skinny person and I am one of those people who doesn't need to lose any weight. So my weight fluctuates as everyone does which is normal, mine usually will sit anywhere between 48.9kgs and 52.2kgs but last week things changed.  Last week I always check my weight around the same time and day usually on a Tuesday because that is the first day of training for me. So the first session I had this year like every year is a pt session and so after that session, I checked my weight to see if I had gained weight that is what I wanted and I had put on 3kgs after a 6 week break from the gym I could not believe my eyes when I say that I was 52.2kgs that is perfect its in the normal range for a bmi.  So Last week I checked my weight on Tuesday and it had gone down the previous week to 48.8 kgs, but last week my current weight is 46.6kgs so last week alarm bells started going off in my head. my first question to myself is always am I eating enough? 

coffee disaster

Hey readers there is one drink that doesn't agree with me and that is coffee, unlike most people I don't get the buzz from it. I get the worst migraines of the century and because I have ADHD it can make me tired and fall asleep. I don't know why that is but this is what happens. So instead I have hot chocolates which I have to be careful of too because of the Sugar content from some hot chocolates are too much example: MAX BRENNERS and San Churros. So what do I do when I go out for a "coffee/brunch" with any of my friends? So I will have a hot chocolate sometimes Or I have water or treat myself to a juice (Just like if i was going on a night out I would treat myself to a lemonade because i don't drink that much)  Now the reason I know I don't like coffee or it doesn't like me is that I used to be apart of an early morning running group, now I don't do mornings but for this, I made an exception of waking up early on a Friday morning at 4am a